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What is Google Apps at
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies?

Now you can have Google-powered email, calendars, document sharing, and IM, all from your @[] account.


Gmail Keep your UPES email address, but use Google’s advanced email interface – without ads. Comes with a powerful spam filter and 7 gigabytes of storage (so you may never have to delete a message again).
  Calendar Organize your life – keep a calendar for yourself, share calendars with your friends, and subscribe to public calendars to stay on top of events on campus. Want to use a email program like Thunder bird or Outlook to use Gmail? Follow these instructions
Login into your account.
Go to settings.
Choose your client.
Follow  instructions specific to that client
TalkIM with friends and classmates, or make free voice calls to anyone else with Google Talk, anywhere in the world. Docs Create and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, and download them to your favorite desktop applications. Great for collaborative projects, in and out of class.

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Start Page Access your Google Apps @ UPES account from a single page that you can customize to give you simultaneous access to email, calendars, to-do lists, weather forecasts, movies times – a host of useful information and tools And more. As Google develops new tools, UPES and Google will collaborate to bring them to you.

